Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Help People Market Books

If you haven't considered how to MARKET your book, STOP right here before you CONTINUE writing anything else!

While you are still outlining the chapters of your book first consider all the ways your AUDIENCE will learn about your book. What AUDIENCE?

TIP #1 Know what group of people you are writing your book for. Is it fans of professional hockey teams? Is it elementary school teachers who want to stretch their school supply money? Is it for creative writers or aspiring playwrights that want a leg up as professionals in demand?

TIP #2 Once you choose your audience, consider where they might find out about your book. Is your audience reading your favorite trade journals? Are they in on-line chat rooms discussing your topic? Are they looking for more articles on your topic in their favorite magazines? Maybe they are trying to find you on their favorite radio or TV talk show?

TIP #3 The style and chapter layout you choose will add to your marketing success! It's becoming more and more popular for the media to interview you on segment ideas. What are segment ideas? They are the single topics a journalist or host can ask you to speak about in an article or spot on a radio or TV show. It's designed to grab audiences' attention in one sentence or less.

So why don't you write chapter titles like HEADLINES on a tabloid or newspaper in a checkout line? Here's some examples to get you started. For a book on training Fido make your chapters sizzle with these quick attention getting HEADLINES:
-Three Healthy Dog Treats That Get Fido's Attention
-The Secret to Getting Good Behavior Is Asking For Some
-5 Ways to Ask Your Dog for Cooperation
-10 Fun and Lovable Ways to Reward Your Dog

is the way to go! When you write attention grabbing chapter titles the media takes notice and can more easily consider you for their show. Want to make sure your book is not quickly passed over by the media? Get your chapter titles critiqued for your media attention grabbing book. Send an e-mail to: with your table of contents. ($1500 value)

Ruth Anne Wood, Director
Scripting for Success TM
We help people take your dreams out of the drawer
by helping you write, market and publish:
Books, Client interactive web content, Documentaries and Plays.

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